Saturday, March 25, 2006

It All Starts with V

For those of you who doesn't know what V is, it's an energy drink. It taste a bit citrusy. Jerry offered me a taste of this and I didn't like it at first. But then I needed to stay awake one night and V is all I can find so I did. From then on, everytime I needed to be awake, I have a couple of Vs and it sort of grew on me. I really like it now. Especially now that my work hours starts really early, I've been having V almost every morning. But I still try not to get dependent on it to the point that I can't function without it. I only have it as I see fit. It's not that expensive at all. Most of the time, I can get them for 2 for $5. Looking at how I started longing for Vs, there's only one person to blame.. The same person that collects the bottles.

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